Makeda Hemans
Makeda Hemans is a Naturopathic therapist. She specialises in Medical Herbalism, Colon Hydrotherapy, Aromatherapy and Massage Therapy. She is a member of a number of professional associations, including the Association and Register of Colon Hydrotherapists (ARCH).
As a colon hydrotherapists, Makeda was trained via ARCH. She holds an honours degree in Herbal Medicine approved by the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH) – a testament to the stringent scientific and clinical criteria underpinning her training. Makeda is passionate about her work and keeps abreast of scientific research and developments in her fields of practice.
Makeda’s ethical use of plant medicine and natural therapies works very well with conventional medicine as the health and well-being of the individual is at the centre of her practice.
As a colon hydrotherapist, Makeda encourages clients to drink plenty of fresh vegetable and fruit juices and/or lots of pure water for at least 3 days prior to treatment. This greatly helps to hydrate the bowels and makes for a much better and thorough treatment. During treatment, Makeda may use herbs or organic coffee to boost the detoxification process. This is decided upon on an individual basis. A deep colon massage is a standard procedure during colonic treatments. It eases and greatly assists elimination.
Makeda is no stranger to how difficult childhood/adult life experiences or poor life choices can affect one’s physical, mental and emotional health. Her own quest for better health began in her early 30s. She herself was affected by severe acne and gastrointestinal issues since her teenage years. During that time she took harsh pharmaceutical drugs to try to eliminate those issues. When they didn’t work and her confidence and self esteem plummeted, she was inspired to combat acne through her own naturopathic practices.
Today, Makeda’s professional approach and warm, caring personality help and support others in their quest for restoring health and well-being.
People with a wide range of health issues consult Makeda for help, from those with skin disorders, a stubborn cough, IBS, sleeping difficulties and anxiety to people suffering from more complex and long-standing issues.
Makeda encourages her patients to pay attention to themselves, and to treat themselves to good nutrition (a diet rich in fresh vegetables), plenty of pure water, regular exercise, bowel cleansing , fresh air and a peaceful mind.
Colon Hydrotherapy:
Single appointments: £100/up to 75 mins
Course of 3 sessions: £275 (booked in advance to be used within 6 months)
Course of 6 sessions: £540 (booked in advance to be used within 12 months)
£80/1 hr
Herbal Medicine:
1st appt: £90/1 hr + cost of medication (Includes comprehensive consultation, dietary and lifestyle advice and physical examination.)
Follow-ups: £80/1 hr + cost of medication
Cost of medication: £30 – £80/month
Herbal medication is freshly made and comes in the form of tincture, dried herbs, capsules, powders, creams & ointments.
To make an appointment with Makeda Hemans please call the Brackenbury Clinic on 02087419264 or send an enquiry.Send Enquiry