Family Constellations
For West London Family Constellations please call the Brackenbury Clinic on 020 8741 9264, or send an enquiry. Send Enquiry
Family Constellations / Systemic Constellations are experiential and difficult to explain. However ‘the technology’ of how it works is helpful.
In a workshop, a group of people gather in a circle. An ‘issue holder’ – as they are referred to – will have an opening conversation with the facilitator. This can be about any number of things. Most likely it’s because of a painful issue they haven’t been able to resolve.
People from the group are selected to represent different aspects of the issue and placed in a position, in relation to one another, within the circle. This is known as ‘ the field’. It’s like a map of the issue.
From there the representatives can report data and the facilitator can then help to disentangle problems and blockages. Opportunity arises to create flow and relaxation. A new outer picture is presented that the client can internalise, to feel support from their system, rather than be burdened by it. The aim is to give insight and clarity and free the system, into more flow, movement, and healing.
Ancestral trauma can be revealed and with care and integrity, this too can shift. Because of this sensitivity, full confidentiality is agreed upon from the beginning.
We all belong to a family system so participating in a group can be rewarding without a specific approach to your own.
The Family Constellation model can be offered in 1:1 sessions as well. The counsellor can introduce the concept of constellations to the client and initiate an exploration of systems the client is involved with. Constellations can thus be a component of ongoing counselling. It can’t be a substitute for experiential group work, as the power of the work is felt much more in a group context. However 1:1 can help as preparation. Many clients find it extremely useful in understanding certain aspects of their individual or couple therapy.