Daniel Rollins
Daniel Rollins is a registered Osteopath and graduate of the London School of Osteopathy. His career in the manual therapy and fitness arena began nearly 25 years ago, initially qualifying as a gym instructor/personal trainer and then as a sports massage therapist and Pilates instructor. Daniel then found Osteopathy and, inspired by its principles and practice, further developed his skills, encompassing a holistic approach to the treatment and management of musculoskeletal disorders.
His patient care philosophy integrates both manual and movement therapeutics, and aspires to enhance your health and function. He will assess you by using a variety of osteopathic, orthopaedic and functional movement tests appropriate to your presenting complaint. Based on the examination results he will tell you if he can help you today, or, if required, recommend you for further investigation.
Daniel will then:
- Provide you with a working diagnosis
- Explain how to best manage the problem (using osteopathic techniques and your role in getting better)
- Approximate how many treatments this will require
- Suggest self-management strategies that may include exercise and stretching
- Provide you with a point of contact should that be required between appointments.
Daniel has extensive post-graduate training in rehabilitation and functional training methods for high-level sport to normal daily activities. He understands the importance of assessing, training and conditioning the patient as they move in three-dimensional space, and implementing strategies to achieve long-term health benefits and results.
1st appt: £120/ up to 1 hr
Follow-ups: £90/30 mins – standard
Longer follow-ups available by request: £135/45 mins
To make an appointment with Daniel Rollins please call the Brackenbury Clinic on 02087419264 or send an enquiry.Send Enquiry